Distaster Response Training

God is at work rebuilding, loving, supporting, and caring for those effected by Natural Disasters. We here at Evangel want to join God in this amazing work.
We need your help. However…you can’t help...Unless you are trained.
You are not allowed to go into a disaster zone unless you are trained and certified. Thankfully Evangel is ready to help you get trained. There are two basic steps.
*You need to be Safegathers trained and approved. This is our churches boundary awereness training and certification. Follow the link below to begin. It is a self guided training and costs $30 which includes state and national background checks. https://safegatherings.com/app/registration. Under organization type chose "Church or Faith-Based Organization"; under denomination choose "Methodist Church." The rest should be self explainatory.
When completing the safegatherings.com there are 4 important things to remember.
1. Click on Complete Registration
2. Sign the SRS release of information to DCF and send it to the Wichita address shown
3. Click on training course and be ready to spend 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours listening to the modules and complete the 20 question test.
4. Remember this is a safe website and BE PATIENT through the process.
*You need to be ERT (Early Response Training) Certified. This is for individuals 18 or older and are trained to provide for the spiritual, emotional and physical recovery of disaster survivors. The church will host training for ERT’s as needed.
Once you are trained you will be ready to see where God sends you.