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online with us.
In person worship is suspended because of the state wide shelter at home order. Click the Videos below to watch this weeks worship.
You can now give online if you are unable to send a check to the church. Please note that there is a fee (2.2% + .30 transaction) involved that will be taken out of your donation.
May 31st, 2020 Worship
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To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by changing lives and our community,
one person at a time.
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Prayer Walk Challenge
For the next month we will be having a Prayer Walk Challenge. As the weather turns nicer, it is easier to get out and walk, and the need for prayer is as great as it has ever been. I have divided the town/country up into four sections (the lines are Kansas Avenue and 5th Street).
You are invited to pick a section and follow the instructions. Note that picking a section includes praying for those who live in the country in those sections (even if they are not on the map).
Pick a section of town/country and keep track of how far you walk (steps or miles) from May 24th to June 21st (you do not need to live in the area you choose).
Contact me ( to let me know you are participating and what section you are taking.
Walk in your area daily if possible. Try to cover the entire area sometime during the month (residential areas in town).
Pray for the people who live in this area. Each week I will give you some Scripture suggestions to focus your prayers on.
If you cannot walk, you can still pray. Map out your area and pray for each house or block. You do not have to know who lives there to pray for them. Those unable to walk, keep track of the minutes you spend praying for your section each day.
Don't forget to pray for the businesses in your area.
Report any insights or answers to prayers.