1. As you deepen friendships with co-workers, ask sincere questions and truly listen in a spirit of caring as they share about their lives. When appropriate, tell others you're praying for them. (Then make sure you actually do pray!)
2. Make it a daily habit to pray as you drive to work or as you walk into the office; ask God to help you see your workplace as a mission field.
3. Refuse to hide or play-down the importance of your faith. When it naturally fits a conversation, freely talk about the role your church, prayer, Scripture, and Christian community have in your life. Let others see the joy and purpose you find in your faith.
4. Emphasize the importance of God's love for all people by initiating opportunities to lead your co-workers in service or charity. For example, lead a canned food drive for a local food pantry or organize your company's annual blood drive. When appropriate, share in conversation how you are motivated to help others by God's character and his love.
5. Start or join a lunch-time Bible study or prayer group at your office.
6. Strive for excellence and integrity in your work. Don't be a slacker or a poor worker; be the person that co-workers and supervisors can rely on to do a solid job.
7. Form a prayer partnership with a Christian co-worker; meet together regularly to discuss your efforts to shine Christ's light at work, and pray for specific co-worker relationships.
8. As you deepen your relationship with a non-Christian co-worker, invite her for lunch off-site or to a weekend night out for a movie and coffee. Being out of the workplace environment will set a more open tone as you talk and get to know each other better. Being off-site will also allow you more freedom to talk directly about your faith and to share the gospel.
9. Invite interested co-workers to social events with your Christian friends, to your small group Bible study, or to events at your church. As holidays such as Christmas or Easter approach, invite a co-worker to attend church with you; many people who don't regularly attend church are open to coming on an important holiday.
10. Be attentive to the Holy Spirit's leading. When you're unsure about whether or not to say something about your faith, check in with God. He'll nudge you in the right direction and will give you the words to say.